
Friday, September 20, 2013

About Grapefruit Cleansing Diets

About Grapefruit Cleansing Diets

According to proponents of the grapefruit cleansing diet, people can lose up to 10 lbs. in one week to 12 days. This is a high-protein diet, meant to be short term only. It can be a quick start to a longer-term weight-loss plan, or a fast way to lose some weight for a special occasion.


    The main focus of the grapefruit cleansing diet is eating a half grapefruit, organic if possible, at the beginning of each meal. A daily multivitamin tablet is also recommended because the diet is low in calories and nutrients. Also, drinking eight 8-oz. glasses of water each day is essential. Coffee is an optional beverage, up to three cups a day. At least 30 to 60 minutes of mild or moderate exercise each day is important. Walking is a good choice.


    The diet has the same menu plan each day. Breakfast includes two eggs and two slices of bacon. Lunch includes a salad and unlimited meat or fish. Dinner is unlimited meat or fish, along with green or red vegetables, which can be eaten with butter, or another salad. An 8-oz. glass of tomato juice or skim milk is the designated evening snack. People are not to eliminate anything from the diet or it will not work properly. Vegetables that are not allowed include peas, beans, corn, sweet potatoes, white potatoes and onions.


    The grapefruit cleansing diet is not actually a cleansing diet, which would be a detoxification process. Detoxification diets as a rule do not include animal products, which are harder to digest, as well as coffee. The theory behind this plan is that grapefruit has a fat-burning enzyme, but this is questionable. Since the menu has under 1,000 daily calories unless people eat a great deal of meat, the low-calorie menu along with exercise most likely accounts for the weight loss.


    The diet is not meant to be a long-term solution, but rather a quick way to lose up to 10 lbs. It can be a good motivator by providing a noticeable weight loss in a short time, after which the person can go on to a more sensible long-term plan combining healthy eating with exercise.


    People may prefer to do this diet when they do not have to go to work full time, because they may feel low in energy due to the low-calorie menu. Also, with all the water and grapefruit, these dieters need to use the bathroom often. The plan should not be undertaken for longer than 12 days because it is low in nutrition, and must be exited gradually to avoid stomach upset. It is better to re-introduce carbohydrates as pasta and bread in limited amounts for the first day or two.


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