
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Effects of Hot Water & Lemon

Effects of Hot Water & Lemon

Water is essential to a healthy body. It hydrates our bodies and cleanses them of impurities. We should drink about two liters of water a day, according to By adding a touch of lemon to the water, we can boost the effectiveness of the water. Lemons are acidic and when added to hot water, they create the perfect alkaline drink for your body. Add this to my Recipe Box.

Cleanse Your Body

    Lemon helps to cleanse your body of toxins. Toxins clog up your pores and can result in greasy, oily and spot-ridden skin. They are also the cause of acne and a range of more serious health problems in extreme cases. Many beauty treatments--massages, toners and sweat therapies--are designed to reduce the toxin level in your body, but nothing can be cheaper than a mug of hot water and lemon. However, drink the mixture at warm or room temperature.

Give Your Digestive System a Boost

    Lemon juice and water can help to reduce the symptoms of nausea, heartburn, constipation and even hiccups. The concoction acts as a tonic for the liver by stimulating it to produce more bile. This helps to digest your food better. It also decreases the amount of phlegm and so is excellent for people who have a sore throat or a bad cold.

A Glass of Sunshine

    Having a high vitamin C content means that lemon and hot water can help to fight infections and speed up healing. It can also help in building the immune system and reducing the chances of illness setting in. Drinking a glass of lemon and warm water is much more natural than taking supplements and a lot cheaper as well.

Shiny Hair

    Applying hot water and lemon to hair can reduce the build up of products. It can also be used to lighten blond hair. Create a rinse with fresh lemon juice and a little hot water. Apply to your hair and sit in the sun for an hour. Rise thoroughly and shampoo to remove all the juice. Repeated weekly this will lighten the tone of your hair.


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