
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Diets to Help Lose Weight Quickly

You've a high school reunion coming up, or your ex-boyfriend is getting married, or you just returned from a vacation and must trim down to fit back into your jeans and shorts. While crash dieting is never a good idea, if you want to trim less than five pounds quickly, there are a few things to do.

Long-term weight loss requires regular exercise, a sustainable diet and stress management.

Juice Fasting

    Remember that any juice fast will shed mainly water weight, but if you are attending a special event, it can give you confidence to attend and feel your best. Long term, commit to a healthy diet, exercise and a forgiving, mellow attitude toward your weight loss plan.

    Juice organic vegetables and fruits, and drink at least four to six 8-ounce glasses of juice. Remember that orange juice is very high in fruit sugars, and if you are diabetic, this is not appropriate.

    Drink another six to eight 8-ounce glasses of filtered water. Consume senna or a similar herbal colon cleanser to make certain you have daily bowel movements. (When you consume only juices and water, you lack the fiber needed to stay regular.)

    Do not juice for more than three to four days if you are new to it. Cut back on physical activities while you juice as you may feel weak.

The Master Cleanse

    Designed by Stanley Burroughs, the Master Cleanse is a lemonade made from lemons, filtered water, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. It is the only thing consumed, in addition to water and herbal teas, for up to 10 days.

    It is said to cleanse the colon, and many people report dropping significant weight. For beginners, fasting on the Master Cleanse for three to four days will be sufficient. Do not continue if you feel dizzy or weak.

Replace Two of Three Meals for a Week

    This is a variation of many commercial weight loss plans. You can do it yourself if you do not go overboard. Replace two of three daily meals with a liquid protein drink. Eat one regular meal: for most people, dinner is the most practical and communal.

    You needn't buy commercial brands to do this, either. One cup of nonfat Greek-style yogurt, unsweetened, provides 22 grams of protein, 6 grams of sugar (from nonfat milk) and no carbs for only 120 calories. Blend that with fresh fruit, honey or half a date for one meal replacement.

    Remember to consume an amount of protein in grams daily that is half your body weight. A person weighing 150 pounds needs at least 75 g of protein. (Athletes might require 0.8 g of protein per pound of body weight.)

    Consume a good multivitamin that supplies all essential vitamins and minerals while you diet this way.


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