The Diet Claims To Purify
The sea salt flush, often part of a cleansing diet, claims it "removes waste matter which for some reason has not yet been removed by the elimination process," and will "flush out your entire system in approximately one hour," according to health and wellness specialists at HealthTalk.com. As part of the Master Cleanse Diet, a sea salt flush is done for 4 to 14 days.
Benefits Unproven
While a sea salt flush will cleanse your system, the flush is largely unnecessary as the body is actually adept at cleansing its own systems. In addition, the sea salt flush requires 1 to 2 teaspoons of salt, and "a single teaspoon of salt gives you 2,400 mg of sodium, more than enough for a day's intake," says Dr. Andrew Weil.
Bottom Line
A sea salt flush should only be performed once per year, or once a season at most, and may be unnecessary altogether. "The suggestion that we are filled with toxins creates fear that drives people to these kinds of plans," Michelle May, MD, author of Am I Hungry, says to WebMD. "But in truth, our bodies naturally rid themselves of undesirable substances without any human intervention whatsoever."
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