Combining medication with any type of diet is always a tricky affair, but combining prescription medication with the kind of restricted fast seen in the Master Cleanse is something else altogether. When discussing medication and the Master Cleanse, the issue seems to be at odds, with proponents of the cleanse suggesting that you abstain from taking medication during your detox and most physicians recommending that you never abstain from taking prescription pills unless directed.
Master Cleanse History
The Master Cleanse is the brainchild of Stanley Burroughs, an individual who developed the diet during the 1940s to treat a variety of chronic medical aliments. The cleanse consists of a fast lasting up to two weeks, during which time you are to subsist on nothing more than fresh squeezed lemonade combined with maple syrup.
Master Cleanse Theory
The theory behind the Master Cleanse is that, over time, your body accumulates a number of environmental toxins. These toxins supposedly exist in nearly everything---from the food you eat to the air you breathe. By undergoing the Master Cleanse, you provide your body with the time and components it requires to purge these toxins from your system, leaving you happier and healthier.
Master Cleanse and Medication
Generally speaking, mixing prescription medications with the Master Cleanse is not recommended. According to the theory behind the plan, the goal of performing the cleanse is to remove your body's dependence on supplements and prescription medicines, as they will supposedly interfere with the body's natural healing process. At the very least, it is recommended that you minimize your consumption of prescription medications while on the cleanse, reducing the dosage.
According to Catherine Collins, the head dietitian at London's St. George's Hospital, there is zero scientific evidence that detox diets work as advertised. Thus, if you choose to abandon your medication (which is scientifically proven to work) to follow the Master Cleanse, understand that the weight of evidence is heavily against your chosen course of action.
If you absolutely feel compelled to engage in a detox plan like the Master Cleanse, do so only with your physician's supervision. Consult with him beforehand, explaining the methodology behind the plan and asking him to monitor your health during its course. You should never make medical decisions without first obtaining your doctor's advice, and this certainly extends to forgoing prescription medication to follow a plan as strange as the Master Cleanse.
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