
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Lose 10 Pounds in One Week Liquid Diet

Lose 10 Pounds in One Week Liquid Diet

Although it is neither FDA-recommended nor condoned to lose 10 pounds in one week, it is possible to do so using the Master Cleanse, also known as the Lemonade Diet. The Master Cleanse is a purely liquid diet that has been used by celebrities, like Beyonce, to lose a lot of weight in a short period of time. Best of all, unlike some diets that require you to drink massive amounts of cabbage soup or celery juice, drinking lemonade for every meal is actually tasty.


    You can purchase ingredients at any grocery store, however, organic ingredients are recommended in order to get the best, healthiest results. Purchase four large lemons, one quart of spring water, 1/2 cup of maple syrup and 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper. If you are planning to stick to the diet for a week or more, which is recommended, you should purchase a large amount of these ingredients in order to make multiple batches.


    Squeeze and strain the lemon juice into the spring water. Then, add the maple syrup and cayenne pepper and mix thoroughly. Although this ratio of ingredients tastes good to most people, you may want to add more water or maple syrup depending on your taste preference. Place the mixture in the refrigerator and don't forget to carry it wherever you go, in case you get hungry.


    For the first few days, you may feel dizzy or woozy if you have never tried a liquid diet before. If you feel like you're going to pass out, eat a piece of fruit, like an apple or peach, or a piece of celery. After a few days, your body will get used to drinking only the lemonade mixture and feel more energized throughout the day. Continue the diet for a week, up to two weeks if you are feeling good while maintaining the diet. Take care in introducing high-carb and high protein foods back into your diet, as they will cause you to rapidly gain weight.


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