
Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Effects of Carbonated Drinks in Pregnant Women

The Effects of Carbonated Drinks in Pregnant Women

When you become pregnant, it is important to watch what you eat in addition to how much you eat. Although carbonated drinks are acceptable in moderation while you're pregnant, drinking too much of them can potentially cause health problems and uncomfortable side effects like bloating and increased weight gain.


    Caffeine is a stimulant that is commonly found in carbonated drinks. The March of Dimes advises that pregnant women consume less than 200mg of caffeine per day, since elevated levels of caffeine can contribute to a higher risk of miscarriage.


    Consuming large amounts of carbonated drinks can leave you feeling dehydrated, due to the amount of chemicals that are used to make them. This dehydration is made worse if you do not consume adequate amounts of water.

Depletion of Calcium

    Drinking large amounts of carbonated drinks begins to deplete your body's calcium reserves. When coupled with your unborn baby's calcium needs, this can contribute to decreasing bone density and predispose you to diseases like osteoporosis.

Excessive Weight Gain

    Many carbonated drinks are nutritionally empty, filled with carbohydrates and sugars. Should you consume many carbonated drinks, you may predispose yourself to gaining unnecessary weight that will be difficult to shed after your baby is born.


    The bubbling of carbonated drinks may leave you feeling bloated and gaseous. This is most common during your first trimester, when you are more predisposed to nausea.

Increased Heartburn

    Carbonated drinks are slightly acidic in nature due to the chemicals that are used to make them. Thus, during your second and third trimesters, carbonated drinks may result in increased heartburn.


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