The Master Cleanse was created by alternative health practitioner Stanley Burroughs and popularized in 2004 by Peter Glickman through his book "Lose Weight, Have More Energy & Be Happier in 10 Days." The Lemonade Diet and the Maple Syrup Diet, as it is also called, is a fasting and detoxification of the body facilitated by combining specific ingredients into a tonic. The fast is carried out for no less than 10 days during which time nothing can be consumed but the tonic. The Master Cleanse is said to remove toxins within the body promoting weight loss and overall wellness.
Each serving of the drink is made by combining 2 tbsp. of lemon juice (preferably freshly squeezed), 2 tbsp. of grade B organic maple syrup and 1/10th a tbsp. of powdered cayenne pepper with 10 oz. of distilled water. Prepare the day's servings with 12 tbsp. of lemon juice, 12 tbsp. of grade B organic maple syrup, tsp. of cayenne pepper and 60 ounces of distilled water.
The Fast
Upon waking, cleansers mix a tsp. of organic sea salt with 4 cups of warm water. This step is called the Salt Water Flush and is meant to induce immediate bowel movements. The lemon drink is consumed throughout the day, whenever desired, drinking no less than 60 ounces each day. Before bed, cleansers have the option of drinking a laxative tea, but this step is not required. Participants must follow this routine for no less than 10 days.
Breaking the Fast
Cleansers are advised to drink fruit juices (orange, grapefruit) and eat only soft porridge for 1-2 days after completing the fast. Salad and vegetables are permitted on day two and whole grains on day three. The lemon drink may be consumed at any time after the fast has been broken. By day four, cleansers can eat normally but it is advised that meat and dairy are avoided.
Benefits of the Fast
Cayenne pepper assists in digestion and weight loss, contains vitamins B, C, E and K and is a source of calcium, potassium, magnesium and dietary fiber. Lemons are a good source of vitamins and help in digestion while maple syrup is a form of positive and negative sugar and contains a large variety of vitamins and minerals. When these ingredients combine together, without solid food to inhibit detoxification, elimination of solid waste and toxins from the body occurs.
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