
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Instructions for 7 Day Detox Diet

Detox diets started when health experts took the time to notice the existence of overloading toxins in our body. Poor diet, unhealthy lifestyle and environmental pollutants form toxins or impurities in our bodies that cause health problems. A detoxification diet facilitates the removal of these toxins in our bodies which results in weight loss, toned body shape and improved immune system. The 7-Day Detox Diet is among the most popular forms of quick body cleansing as it works as simply.

Plan and Follow a Detox Diet Meal for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

    Have some fruits in your breakfast. Go for fresh fruit salad and a carton of live yogurt, or a fruit smoothie made from a fresh fruit. The standard breakfast most detox diet plans recommend is banana porridge. Banana porridge can keep you feeling full for a few hours. Just make sure that you use honey and not white sugar when preparing porridge or smoothies.

    A vegetable soup as an appetizer is recommended for lunch. Add a single serving of any of the following: a mixture of raw and steamed vegetable, some jacket potatoes and grilled cod, or prawn salad with avocado. Other options are tuna and jacket potato, rice cakes with avocado and tomato and mixed vegetable salad and fruits.

    Your dinner will be limited to cups of vegetables. You can have some raw salad as substitute for steamed vegetables but do skip the mayo salad dressing and use oil and vinegar instead. Satisfy after-dinner hunger with loads of water. Ideally, you should drink at least ten glasses of water a day when under this diet.

Take Note of Your Calorie Intake for Each of the Seven Days.

    The recommended calorie intake for the first day of your detox diet is 600 calories. Drink more than 8 glasses of water throughout the day. Increase your calorie intake to 1600 calories for the second day. For the third and fourth day, your food intake should only sum up to 1100 calories and 800 calories, respectively. You can have some brown rice during the fourth day, and just continue with the fresh fruit and vegetable intake. The fifth day requires 1100 calories, while the sixth day demands 1300. The last day needs 1200 calorie intake. Do not forget to do some short exercises for each of the detox diet days.

Strictly Observe the Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner Detox Diet Meal Sets for a Week

    Just follow the meal plan exactly for seven days. The kind of fruits, vegetables, meat and fish you take may vary but your meal plan should be relatively consistent with the recommended calorie intake for each day. You have the option to take vitamin supplements while on the 7-Day Detox Diet. Vitamin C is a good choice to take as well as some herbal supplements that contain dandelion root.

    Remember to consult your doctor before starting such a detoxification plan. Be sure that your current health condition can adapt to the eating pattern. Likewise, ensure that you can commit yourself to the detox diet for a week.


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