
Friday, April 18, 2014

Diet After Total Abdominal Colectomy

A total abdominal colectomy is a surgical procedure that removes the entire large intestine. After removal, the surgeons connect the small intestine directly to the rectum. The diet after a total abdominal colectomy changes as the healing progresses. Advance the diet as tolerated, while avoiding certain foods. After a total abdominal colectomy, patients follow a low-residue diet for several months. Most individuals are able to return to a regular diet, with no restrictions, within six months after surgery.


    Postoperatively, the abdomen takes a little time to "wake up" and function fully. Just after surgery, the physician prescribes intravenous therapy until the bowels are making active sounds in the abdomen. After bowel sounds are apparent, begin a clear liquid diet. After tolerating clear liquids, gradually introduce a soft diet. The typical hospital stay after a total abdominal surgery is about five days.

Low-Residue Diet

    For several months following a total abdominal colectomy, the patient must follow a low-residue diet, which is a diet low in dietary fiber and other foods that increase bowel activity, like milk. When following a low-residue diet, only about 10 to 15 grams of fiber should be consumed daily. For example, a cup of spaghetti noodles with red sauce and a medium apple is 10 grams of fiber. The decrease in fiber causes a reduction in the frequency and amount of stool produced.

Low-Residue Foods to Eat

    During the recovery period, a healing body needs a healthy, well balanced diet. Cook vegetables and drink vegetable juices. Most vegetables are safe to eat, but broccoli, cauliflower, beets and Brussels sprouts are not. Include applesauce, canned fruits, cooked fruits and melons into the diet. Permitted drinks include decaffeinated coffee and tea. Water is encouraged. For grains, eat white bread, mashed potatoes, rice, noodles and saltine crackers. Protein in the diet includes chicken, fish, eggs, smooth peanut butter and turkey.

Foods to Avoid on a Low-Residue Diet

    Avoid eating all raw fruits and vegetables while recovering from a total abdominal colectomy. Bananas and peeled apples are the only exceptions to this rule. Caffeinated products such as coffee, tea and chocolate are also restricted from the diet during the recovery time. A low-residue diet does not allow whole grains, including breads and cereals, beans, oatmeal and popcorn. Limit dairy products to only two servings daily. Do not eat processed meats, ham, nuts, seeds or beans. Avoid drinking carbonated beverages, lemonade and fruit juices with pulp.


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