
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Lemon, Maple Syrup & Cayenne Pepper Detox

Lemon, Maple Syrup & Cayenne Pepper Detox

The lemon, maple syrup and cayenne pepper detox, also known as the Master Cleanse, is a detoxification and cleansing diet created by Stanley Burroughs and featured in his book "The Master Cleanser." The diet consists of lemonade made from organic lemons, grade B maple syrup and cayenne pepper. The Master Cleanse is claimed to rid the body of harmful toxins while promoting weight loss.


    Fresh squeezed lemon juice and grade B maple syrup are recommended for the lemonade. Fresh lemon juice is recommended because of the enzymes the juice contains when it is freshly prepared. Grade B maple syrup is recommended because it contains more minerals and nutrients than grade A maple syrup. Cayenne helps break up mucous. Spring water is also recommended. To make one serving of the lemonade, combine two tablespoons of lemon juice, two tablespoons of maple syrup, 1/10 of a teaspoon of cayenne pepper and ten ounces of water in a glass. Six to ten servings should be consumed daily. A full day's servings may be prepared at once in the morning for convenience.


    The standard time frame for the lemon, maple syrup and cayenne pepper detox is ten days. According to Burroughs' book, ten days is the minimum amount of time the body needs to fully remove toxins and restore a healthy state. First-time cleansers may follow the detox diet for a shorter period of time, such as three or five days, to become comfortable with the cleansing process. Experienced cleansers may follow the diet for 14, 21, 30 or 45 days, though such extended use should be discussed with a physician before attempted.

Ease-In and Ease-Out

    Burroughs recommends three-day ease-in and ease-out periods to safely begin and end the cleanse. The ease-in process begins three days prior to beginning the diet and gradually adjusts the body to a liquid diet. Raw fruits and vegetables should be eaten on the first day, followed by fruit or vegetable juice on the second day. An orange juice, water and maple syrup blend should be consumed on the day prior to starting the cleanse. Slowly easing out of the detox diet is recommended to prevent constipation and stomach cramps. To ease out of the detox, the orange juice concoction should be consumed on the first day following the cleanse. Vegetable soup broth, vegetable juice and fruit juice may be consumed on the second day. The third day's meals should consist of vegetables and fruits.


    To cleanse the colon and remove toxins, Burroughs recommends consuming a laxative tea and salt water mixture to stimulate bowel movements. The laxative tea should be taken before bed and after the day's allotment of lemonade has been consumed. One liter of water should be mixed with one to three teaspoons of sea salt and consumed in the morning. The amount of sea salt varies among individuals, as some people will get results with one teaspoon, while others will need two or three to see results. The combination of a laxative tea at night and a salt water flush will stimulate bowel movements in the morning.


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