A detox can do good things for the body when performed right. The main point of a detox is to detoxify the liver, colon and intestines, and to get rid of all the bad toxins that have been built up within them for years. A detox is used for many reasons, such as constipation, indigestion, bloating and even irritable bowel syndrome. The best detox plan is one that helps all these issues, and contributes to weight loss at the same time.
Why Detox Plans Work
Most people can benefit from a detox. Anyone who has regularly been putting unhealthy substances into their body, such as nicotine, drugs, caffeine, saturated fats, artificial preservatives and sugar, can benefit from a detox. As these toxins build up in the body, they can cause all of the aforementioned problems and more. A detox will help get rid of all the impurities that are in the blood in the liver, as this is the main area that processes toxins for elimination.
When a detox is performed, the body is no longer getting the foods and toxins that it is used to. Certain detox products can be used during a detox that can help the elimination of the toxins move along. The goal is to flush the system out, so that everything is eliminated through urine, bowel movements and sweat. The detox works by eliminating all the bad substances from the diet so that the body has a chance to feel healthy again. A detox should be performed for at least seven days to get the maximum benefits. When the detox time period is complete, most people feel so healthy that they continue with their good habits.
How to Detox the Body
Consider consuming a detox drink to help the detoxification process. One is the lemonade drink, which can be made very simply at home. One tablespoon of lemon juice, a few dashes of cayenne pepper and 1 tbsp. of Grade B maple syrup is mixed into 8 oz. of water. This can be consumed six to eight times per day, and aids the body in the elimination process. No matter what, though, water is the only thing that should be consumed. Some herbal teas are permitted, as long as there are no added sugars, cream or sweeteners.
Food may be eaten on a detox, but must be limited. Fruits and vegetables are the main staple of any detox. Organic is best because there should be no added pesticides on the produce. Many people mix things up by blending fruits and vegetables in a juicer for a healthy drink, or making bland soups out of the vegetables.
Many people also take a fiber supplement to help move things along, especially if they are having problems with elimination. A daily vitamin may also be taken so that the body gets the vitamins and minerals it needs during a detox.
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