The gallbladder is a small organ that stores a digestive fluid known as bile. Sometimes small rock-like deposits form within the gallbladder. These gallstones may accumulate and block the bile flow. When this occurs, you experience intense stomach pains. After a doctor diagnoses gallstones, you may need to have your gallbladder removed through laparoscopic or open surgical methods. As you recover from gallbladder surgery, you will have to follow a specific diet, especially if you experience diarrhea or other bowel disturbances.
Immediately After Surgery
After surgery you will remain in the hospital for anywhere from a few hours to a few days, depending on whether you received open surgery or the less invasive laparoscopic surgery. At first, you will require nutrition intravenously. Your doctor will supply you with the necessary fluids and liquid foods until you have the strength to eat again. Since surgery preparation requires fasting, you will want to ease yourself back into foods. Begin with simple foods and as your body adjusts, introduce more complex foods into your diet.
At-Home Recovery Diet
Your diet in the weeks after gallbladder surgery should include plenty of fruits and vegetables. Limit high-fat foods and dairy products. While most fruits and vegetables will help your digestion, citrus fruits such as oranges or lemons contain acids that may disrupt and irritate your stomach. In addition, since it is common to have a certain increase in gas after gallbladder surgery, avoid foods that cause gas. Gas-producing foods include beans, broccoli and cabbage.
If you need to take any medications for recovery such as antibiotics to prevent infection, read the medicine's instructions to see if there are any additional food restrictions to consider.
Diet for Gallbladder Surgery-Related Digestive Disturbances
Some people develop chronic diarrhea and other digestive disturbances after gallbladder surgery. While theories differ as to why this occurs, some experts believe it is due to the increase of bile that enters the large intestine after gallbladder removal. If you experience diarrhea or upset stomach after gallbladder surgery, you will want to devise a diet that combats loose stools. Avoid foods that have laxative properties such as coffee and dairy products. Consider a fiber supplement to bind your stool together. Until your bowels stabilize, eliminate foods that are difficult to digest such as corn and nuts. If you already have a minor intolerance to foods such as dairy and/or wheat, avoid these foods altogether.
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