Beyonc did it, shouldn't it work for you? Lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne---that's all you get for however long you can hack it. It's the wildly popular Master Cleanse, which, its creators claim, helps you lose weight and feel great. And now that has morphed into the Cayenne Pepper and Grapefruit Diet. And while this fad may help you slide into your jeans a little easier it is questionable how safe it is.
Cayenne May Help with Weight Loss
Researchers for the International Journal of Obesity conducted an eight-week study of foods that cause your body to heat itself up, such as cayenne. Results indicated that subjects who regularly consumed a spicy supplement lost substantially more body fat than those who received a placebo. Joy Bauer, R.D., says spicy foods can speed weight loss because the spice suppresses our appetites. Additionally, we eat slower and drink more water when the food is fiery.
The Power of Citrus
Fruit juice companies want you to believe that their juices are the elixir of life. And studies do show that citrus fruit such as grapefruit offer true benefits, particularly when you eat the fresh version, which still has its fiber intact. Recent findings published in the Journal of Medicinal Food cited subjects who ate half a grapefruit a day and lost more weight than others who abstained.
But that doesn't mean grapefruit is magic. Whole fruits and vegetables are critical for any diet, whether you want to lose weight or cleanse your body. A grapefruit has about 50 calories and packs 2 grams of fiber, but a medium-sized carrot has the same amount of fiber with 25 calories. Ultimately, variety is key to health, says anthropologist and author Peter Ungar. In his book "Human Diet: Its Origin and Evolution," he says that the restrictive nature of fad diets such as the cayenne and grapefruit version can lead to kidney failure, anemia and enlargement of the pancreas.
Beware of Scam Artists
That is why many turn to vitamin supplements, which are often advertised on television, as a panacea. These supplements come with a laundry list of promises, such as lower cholesterol, faster fat absorption, speedier metabolism and even relief from arthritis. But Arthur Frank, M.D., medical director of George Washington University's Weight Management Program, says that might not be all they do. Some "natural" pills have been found to include supplements that can lead to high blood pressure and even seizures if you take enough of them.
Variety Is the Spice of Life
Before you venture into a week or two of nothing but grapefruit halves and cayenne capsules, ask yourself whether you want to make changes that will have long-term benefits or harm your body by doing a flash-in-the-pan detox. There are actually healthy ways to clean out your system, including: consuming more whole fruits and vegetables instead of sugary juices; eating less meat; cutting down on fats, especially unhealthy animal fats and fried foods; and practicing portion control.
The American Dietetic Association recommends eating 35 to 50 percent carbs, 25 to 35 percent fat, and 25 to 30 percent protein.
In Conclusion
You have a lifestyle, body type and preferences that are unique to you, and what makes someone else look and feel great may put you on a hospital stretcher or blow you up like a balloon. Listen to your body, and always consult a physician before attempting a diet.
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