
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

How Does Fiber Help You Lose Weight?

How Does Fiber Help You Lose Weight?


Fiber-rich Foods That Promote Weight Loss

    Fiber, which consists of the part of plant-based foods that our bodies cannot digest or absorb, is an important component of a healthy weight-loss diet. Fiber cannot be ingested by eating meat or dairy products. Instead, it is found in leafy green vegetables; fruits; whole grains such as oats, wheat and barley; and legumes such as peas, lentils and dry beans, all of which are healthful foods that promote weight loss.
    There are two types of fiber: insoluble and soluble. Insoluble fiber is found in whole-wheat flour, wheat bran, nuts and vegetables. This type of fiber aids in the health of the digestive system. Soluble fiber dissolves in water. It is found in beans, oats, carrots, peas, apples and citrus fruits. These high-fiber foods also tend to be low in calories. For this reason, you can eat a large quantity of food that is rich in fiber without the risk of increasing your caloric intake and spurring subsequent weight gain.

Fiber's Effects on Your Body

    Fiber, because of its bulk, helps to minimize the occurrence of constipation and prevents such ailments as diverticulosis. With a healthy digestive system, your body will digest foods more efficiently. As fiber passes through the intestines, various carcinogens and other waste products bind to it. They are then passed through the colon more quickly than they would without the benefit of fiber. As fiber cleanses the digestive tract and colon, it leads to increased energy levels and a sense of overall healthiness, both of which are key to an active lifestyle. An active lifestyle is essential to any weight loss program.

    Soluble fiber also slows the absorption of sugar. This is particularly beneficial for those who are pre-diabetic, or already have diabetes, and who struggle with their weight. Because diabetics are insulin resistant, excess sugar in the bloodstream is sent to the liver, where it is converted into body fat. Therefore, a lower level of sugar in the system equals lower body fat.

Fiber Effects on Weight Loss

    Foods that are high in fiber generally require more time to chew. This allows your body extra time to recognize that your stomach is full. Thus, high-fiber foods will help prevent the tendency to overeat. A diet that consists of various foods that are high in fiber will also cause a meal to seem as if it is larger than it actually is. As a result, you will feel full for a longer period of time. Fiber is also filling because it effectively absorbs water while it moves through your digestive system.

    To gain the benefits of fiber, the National Sciences' Institute of Medicine suggests that women under the age of 50 consume 25 grams per day. Women over 50 should take in 21 grams. The NSIM also recommends that men under 50 eat at least 38 grams of fiber; those over 50 should consume 30 grams. For the best results, drink plenty of water when eating a diet high in fiber.


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