
Saturday, September 14, 2013

2 Week Cleansing Diet

People use cleansing, or detox, diets to jump start weight loss and improve their health. These diets are not designed for long-term compliance, as they are relatively restrictive--thus, two weeks is a fair amount of time to stay on a detox diet to obtain optimal results. One of the most popular two-week detoxes is the Master Cleanse, also known as the Lemonade Diet.

The Master Cleanse

    The Master Cleanse has a suggested two-week duration, although you can stay on the plan longer. During that time, you will subsist on nothing more than a drink made with fresh-squeezed lemons, Grade B maple syrup and cayenne pepper. In addition, you will use a salt-water flush to help rid your body of accumulated impurities. Burroughs argues that lemons are the crucial ingredient, as they are "the richest source of minerals and vitamins of any food or foods known to man." The detoxifying effects stem from abstention from solid food consumption.

Preparation Phase

    During the preparation phase of the diet, you will go through a progressive three-day program. On day one, remove all processed foods and meat from your diet--eat only fruits and veggies. On day two, consume only fruit and vegetable juices. On day three, consume only orange juice mixed with water and maple syrup.

The Cleanse

    On the cleanse itself, the only calories you consume are from drinking two quarts of the lemonade mixture: lemon juice and syrup in a one-to-one ratio and as much pepper as you can stand, diluted to taste. You may drink as much water as you like.

Saltwater Flush

    This process will be supplemented with a saltwater flush to help stimulate bowel movements. This is prepared by adding a tablespoon of sea salt to one liter of lukewarm water. Do not schedule any activities within an hour of consuming the flush, as you will have to use the restroom soon. This process is repeated once daily during your time on the program.

Easing Out

    At the end of your two weeks, repeat the Preparation Phase in reverse to recondition your body to consume solid foods. On day one of the ease-out, drink only orange juice with maple syrup. On day two, drink only fruit and vegetable juices. And on day three, eat only fruits and vegetables. Then resume your normal eating schedule.


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