
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Foods That Promote a Healthy Kidney & Liver

The job of the kidneys and liver is to remove toxins and wastes from our bodies. Both organs may suffer serious problems if overburdened by a diet overloaded with foods too high in fat, protein and sugar. While the best overall diet is one that is well balanced and includes a variety of naturally processed fruits, vegetables and grains, some foods are particularly beneficial for liver and kidney health.

Eat Your Veggies

    The best vegetables to support a healthy liver and kidneys are the cruciferous ones: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage. Eat them raw or just lightly steamed (to preserve the phytochemicals that make them so beneficial). If you overcook them, they are likely to produce an unappealing sulfur smell.

    Add bitter leafy greens (dandelion, chicory, endive, arugula) to your salads. Chicory and dandelion, in particular, are useful because they stimulate bile flow, which helps remove toxins. Eat more artichokes: They contain acids that stimulate liver function.

An Apple a Day

    In addition to fresh vegetables, stock up on orange, yellow, purple and red-colored fruits (prunes, strawberries, raspberries, plums, oranges, grapefruit and cantaloupe, for example). These fruits, especially apples, contain antioxidants that help to protect the liver during the process of detoxification. Whenever possible, eat fruits raw to get the most of their nourishing properties.

Spice Up Your Life

    Some herbs and spices are particularly supportive of healthy liver and kidney functions. One is saffron, which alternative medicine practitioners in India prescribe for treating bladder, kidney and liver disorders. (Yes, saffron is outrageously expensive, but you need only a small pinch to brighten---and benefit---a dish such as brown rice.)

    Turmeric is another tasty spice that you can add to your food to promote healthy liver function (and it's a lot cheaper than saffron). It has a pleasant flavor and color, and is a useful rejuvenating agent for your body. Garlic is also beneficial for kidney and liver health because of its allicin, a component that helps to remove toxic food additives from your system.


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