
Friday, August 23, 2013

Ideas for Liquid Diet Foods

Ideas for Liquid Diet Foods

A liquid diet, or diet that consists completely of foods in liquid form, is a great idea for very short term weight loss or for cleansing out the digestive tract. Whether you've got a big event coming up, you want to get a jump start on a more traditional diet, or you just want to drop a couple of pounds fast, by using a liquid diet at the right time, with the right foods and attention to nutrition and health issues that might occur, you can be on your way to a slimmer, sleeker body.

When to Use

    While liquid diets are mainly used before and after surgeries, some may find them useful as extremely short term (3 to 4 days) weight loss measures. In this brief time period, you can expect to lose from 3 to 7 pounds, but keep in mind that it is easy to put the weight back on with this type of diet if you're not diligent afterwards. It's a good idea to talk to a doctor when thinking about going on a liquid diet, and if you are about to undergo a surgery that typically calls for a liquid diet your doctor may bring it up anyway.

    Bariatric surgeries are the most common that call for a liquid diet, but people undergoing procedures such as a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy can benefit from a liquid diet.

    In some cases, extreme obesity can be treated with an all liquid diet.


    An all liquid diet can have a somewhat limited menu. Here are some liquid foods that are acceptable on a full liquid diet: all fruit juices and nectars, vegetable juice, fruit punch, honey, jelly, syrup, yogurt (plain and frozen), plain soups, milkshakes, pasteurized eggnog, cornstarch pudding, gelatin desserts, strained cooked cereal, smooth ice cream, lemonade, and fruit purees.

    Most forms of soup are acceptable, just make sure there are no vegetables, meat chunks, or other solids in the soup. And of course, drink plenty of water.

Nutrition and Health

    All liquid diets are not without their drawbacks, one of which being the difficulty you can run into trying to meet your daily health requirements on an all liquid diet. Protein and other health shakes are a good way to get the nutrients you'll need, as are vitamin supplements. Fruit juice is great for energy and nutrition, just make sure that it isn't "enhanced" with extra sugar or calories. Liquid broth can provide a source of protein, as is non-fat milk.


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