
Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Lemonade Cleansing Diet

The lemonade cleansing diet is also called the Master Cleanse. Some believe this diet will purge the body of toxins, help dieters lose weight and improve the function of the kidneys, nerves, arteries, blood vessels, digestive system and liver. Many health professionals, though, advise against this diet, which they claim can be ineffective and harmful, causing nutrition deficiencies and exacerbating serious conditions such as diabetes and depression.


    Proponents of the lemonade cleansing diet claim the diet has has to be followed for a minimum of 10 days and can be continued for up to 40 days, several times a year. Consult a health professional before attempting any diet for any length of time.


    The lemonade used in this diet is unique. It is made with 1/10 teaspoon of cayenne or red pepper, 2 tablespoons of genuine maple syrup, 2 tablespoons of lemon or lime juice and 10 ounces of hot spring or purified water. Artificially flavored pancake syrup should not be used. Organic lemons and limes are recommended. According to lemonade cleansing diet enthusiasts, the lemon or lime juice acts as a laxative and detoxifying agent. The cayenne pepper breaks up mucus in the body. While on the lemonade cleansing diet, this lemonade mixture is the only food or drink you can consume. Drink six to twelve glasses every day, whenever you get hungry. Do not supplement this diet with vitamins. Those in favor of the lemonade cleansing diet maintain that all nutrients and vitamins needed are in this mixture, and that because solid food becomes liquid during the digestive process, an all-liquid diet is not unhealthy.

Breaking the Diet

    You must gradually end the lemonade cleansing diet. On your first day off the diet, slowly drink several 8 ounce glasses of fresh orange juice. Do not incorporate other foods. On the second day off the diet, vegetarians are allotted orange juice in the morning, raw fruit for lunch and fruit or raw vegetable salad at night. A meat-eater's second day consists of several glasses of orange juice and a homemade soup made up of legumes, potatoes, celery, carrots, green vegetable tops, onions, brown rice, okra or okra powder, chili, curry, cayenne pepper, tomatoes, green peppers, and zucchini. Do not include bread or crackers. Vegetarians can eat normally on the third day off the lemonade cleansing diet, but carnivores must continue to follow a restrictive plan. On the third day, those who eat meat should drink orange juice in the morning, have more soup for lunch and eat a dinner consisting of vegetables, salads or fruit. Meat, fish, eggs, bread, pastries, tea, coffee and milk are not to be included yet. Normal eating can resume on the fourth day.

Laxative Herb Tea and Salt Water Flushes

    To help maintain regularity during the lemonade cleansing diet, a laxative herb tea can be ingested in the morning and evening. This is recommended to aid in the cleansing process and prevent digestive discomfort. Another important part of this diet is the saltwater flush. Mix between 2 teaspoons and a tablespoon of sea salt and one liter of room-temperature water. Drink this all at once. Some choose to drink it in the bathroom, as its laxative effects are apparently dramatic and immediate. This is to be repeated every day while on the cleanse. A laxative herb tea and the saltwater flush are the only drinks that can be used to supplement the lemonade.

Side Effects

    Hunger, fatigue, aches and pains, irritability and nausea can all occur while on the lemonade cleansing diet. Easing into the diet by eating only fruits and vegetables for a few days before might lessen these side effects but not eliminate them entirely.


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