
Saturday, May 24, 2014

3 Day Detox Diet

Detox diets have become a popular tool to drop a few extra pounds, but their real purpose is to help the body get rid of toxins and harmful free radicals that build up over time. Foods that are high in sugar content, and fatty and processed foods are all harmful to the health, as are additives given to food to make them appear better or last longer. Stress and air pollution also contribute to toxin buildup, so a three-day detox every few months can be ideal to maintain proper health and well-being.

Foods to Consume

    While on a three-day detox, consume nothing but raw fruits and vegetables. By eating them raw, all of the nutrients are retained, aiding the detox process. Eat fruits and vegetables like avocados, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, cabbage, bananas, apples. These foods contain fiber, which also helps the body maintain its natural balance of getting rid of toxins and waste. Consume fresh squeezed fruit and vegetable juice instead of coffee, tea and soda.


    To enhance the benefits from the three-day detox, take a 20-minute slow- to moderate-paced walk to relax, clear the mind and keep a positive outlook on the detox. Drink at least 64 ounces of water each day, and brush the teeth or do some activity when food cravings hit. Three days with only fruits and vegetables are a long enough length of time for most people, so limit it to only three days to avoid losing too much muscle mass due to lack of calories.

Side Effects

    When we stop consuming something we are used to, withdrawal symptoms are often present. Detoxing the body of junk food, sugar or processed foods is hard since the body has become use to consuming it each day. Some side effects that may occur on the detox diet include irritability, slight headache, diarrhea or flu-like symptoms. To avoid as many of these side effects as possible, start weaning yourself off of foods a few days before the detox so it is not as much of a shock to the system. Take a walk outside, or do an activity that can keep your mind off of food in order to finish the detox.


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