
Friday, December 27, 2013

How to Cleanse Jewelry in the Sun

How to Cleanse Jewelry in the Sun

If a piece of jewelry brings difficult memories or negative emotions to mind, it's time to cleanse it of bad energy. The cleansing or "clearing" process re-energizes crystals and gemstones as it rids jewelry of any unpleasant feelings attached to it. Clear away connections to loss from a bracelet bought at an estate sale. Banish a sense of discomfort brought on by arguments had while donning a special ring. To dispel negative energy surrounding jewelry, conduct a cleansing ritual by setting the jewelry in the sun. Think of it as natural light and warmth penetrating the pieces with healing rays. Does this Spark an idea?



    Find a safe place outside to set clean jewelry in the sun. Choose a spot that feels special to you and where these valuables can sit all day without being disturbed. Place the jewelry in a shallow clear glass container first for extra protection or if there is a breeze.


    Place the jewelry into direct sunlight. Say something positive about each item to replace the bad energy you are clearing away. For example, say "I love this lapel pin and how beautiful it makes me feel. Wearing it reminds me of fun holidays spent laughing and baking with my grandmother."


    Check on the jewelry pieces every two to three hours. If shade has crept over them, move the pieces to a new, sunny perch. Turn them over several times during the day so the sunlight is absorbed from all sides. Say more positive words about each piece as you think of it.


    Complete the cleansing ritual as the sun sets for the evening. Smile and let thoughts of joy and gratitude fully attach one last time to the jewelry just cleansed. Handle the pieces carefully as some might have become hot.


    Store or wear the cleansed piece of jewelry. Conduct more clearing rituals in the sun whenever stagnant or unpleasant energy hinders the enjoyment of wearing it.


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